For all pedigree & health testing results please use the buttons below each Sires name
We also offer German Shepherd Dog stud services. Our breeding male shepherds are from top pedigrees. Stud fee starts at $2000 to approved females.
SG1 Ragnar Vom Waldfurter-Wald BH IGP1
Hips SV A
Elbows SV 0/0
DM Carrier
Ragnar is a incredible male we are so pleased with him. Ragnar is a son to Willy. Ragnar has a great on/off switch. He can shut it off when its time. When its time he is ready to work and train. His super black mask and deep pigments are amazing. He loves to play with other dogs and gets along great with everyone. He is great with people and children. We are excited to see his progeny here in the USA.
Yango Vom Leithawald BH IGP1
Hips A Elbows 0/0
DM Clear
Clear on all diseases on his full wisdom panel
Yango is a showlines red sable long coat. Yango is a pink papered male with a super pedigree. Yango is a big boned male with a super coat. Yango is very gentle and loving and is great with children. Yango loves to work but has a great on/off switch. Yango has a coat thats super thick and long. Hes very special.
Gucci Z Lintichu BH SVV1
Hips A Elbows 0/0
DM Clear
Gucci is a big boy with big bones, big head and a great coat. Gucci is very dark he has a super black face, black mane and a black head. Gucci is a happy boy who loves everyone. Hes always very happy. He loves to play. He loves to play fetch. He enjoys working. Gucci was imported he is from super bloodlines. Gucci is health tested and titled.
V1 Bingo Z Lintichu BH SVV1 KKl
Hips A Elbows 0/0 SV
DM Clear LUW 0 OCD Free
Bingo is a total super star that has it all. We cant wait to see what he produces. Bingo is a direct import thats health tested and titled. Bingo is from super bloodlines.
V1 Gron Z Lintichu BH SVV1 KKL
Hips A Elbows 0/0
Gron was imported from champion bloodlines thats health tested and titled. Gron is titled and health tested. Grons a big boy with great structure, big bones and a big head. Gron is a big teddy bear he loves laying with or on u cuddling. He is a happy boy who loves attention. Gron has the perfect on/off switch. He loves kids, people and other animals. I adore this boy.
SG1 Aaligator Von Skorpionenblut BH IPO1
FCI Hips A Elbows 0/1
DM Carrier
Aaligator came to us from Poland we feel so honored to have him. He has a super pedigree full of super dogs titled and health tested. Aaligator is a great addition to our program. He is big boned with a spectacular coat. His coat is super special. He is well mannered with a super temperament. Ali loves everyone he is a cuddle bug but also loves to work. He loves every dog and person hes ever met. He is a Gris son and a Grisu grandson.
Aaligator Von skorpionenblut
Hips A Elbows O/1
DM Carrier
Hips A Elbows O/1
DM Carrier
Dinar Vom Team Margel
Hips Good Elbows Normal
DM Clear
Hips OFA Good Elbows OFA Normal
Super pennhip scores
"Bear" is from our Uzi x Oonyx pairing and we couldnt be more pleased with him. Hes a big fluffy bear. Bear loves everyone and all dogs. He is a loving cuddle bug. He is just like his sire Oonyx except hes all black.
All males are direct imports who are proven studs, health tested and titled. We offer stud service with any of our males to approved females.